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Re: Kenosha

Post by ousdahl »

NiceDC wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:34 pm
defixione wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:18 pm Found this on line from a self-professed paralegal. I have no idea who wrote it or if it is accurate:

Words from a military legal worker (not me)

I'm seeing a lot of ignorance and misinformation flying around about what happened in Kenosha, and I'm going to set the record straight from a professional legal position... as well as from a former military position. I'm going to explain some things from a more technical angle derived from my many years as a paralegal and from my experience working in federal criminal justice and prosecution.Already skeptical. Homicide and self-defense are mostly state crimes. Each state has different nuances. S/he is not going to have Wisconsin state knowledge from "federal criminal justice and prosecution," which is usually not these types of crimes.
Legally, if you are in the process of a commission of a crime, it negates your ability to claim self defense if you kill someone. As in, it can't even be entered as your official defense in court. It is similar to getting rear-ended at a red light through zero fault of your own, but you were driving without a license or insurance. It automatically makes you at fault because you weren't even legally allowed to be driving.This doesn't seem accurate. You usually have a rebuttable presumption of guilt. Here, the person can be cited for illegally driving, but I doubt rear-ending a car is a crime. Thus the front car might get cited, and the rear car might have to still pay. Likely both cars would split. It also depends on never having a license, and having a license expired by a day. Way too much nuance to make a sweeping statement.
That 17 year old in Kenosha had committed two crimes and was not even legally allowed to open carry the rifle he used to shoot three people. This means that he legally cannot claim self defense.This is debatable, and going to be determined by case law likely. It's not clear cut either way.
Another key discussion is the Castle Doctrine. Some of you may be vaguely familiar with it, as it is what allows you to use deadly force when someone comes into your house unlawfully, etc. But there are some finer points most people don't realize that you generally have to do some formal legal studies to know.Castle Doctrine was never at play. Not going to even review.
First, as soon as someone sets foot inside the threshold of your home uninvited that you believe intends to commit a crime, you can legally use deadly force and it is immediately considered self defense, even if they haven't made any violent threats or actions towards harming you.
This is because in every instance outside your home, you are required to retreat and extricate yourself from a dangerous situation if possible. It is a legal mandate, not a suggestion. Your home is considered the final retreat point, and legally you should be safe in your "Castle." There is nowhere else to retreat to, etc. This is why you are able to immediately use deadly force.
However, it is NOT to protect your property, it is for protecting your LIFE. And once the burglar, for instance, has left your home... the threat to your life is considered neutralized, and deadly force is no longer authorized. So if a burglar runs out the door and down the street with your TV, you are no longer allowed to shoot after them because they are not threatening your life. You call the police, you file a claim with your insurance, and you get a new TV. If you shoot a burglar in the back down the street, you can and should be charged with murder.
While you are out in PUBLIC, this means a lot of things obviously. It means that there is far more scrutiny and boxes that must be checked in order to claim self defense. You must be in IMMINENT danger of losing life and limb. Getting into an argument and feeling scared of being punched by an unarmed person? Not likely to be a situation where deadly force is authorized. You MUST retreat.
If someone shoots at you or pulls a knife on you in the street, that is deadly force and can be met with deadly force. But if the person is unarmed, you cannot shoot them because you're afraid of a little scuffle. That is why Rittenhouse illegally shot the first protester, and it is one of the many reasons it cannot be considered self defense. The man threw a plastic bag with trash in it at him AND MISSED, and Rittenhouse shot him. He chased his victim and instigated a fight by brandishing and flagging people with his rifle, because he is an untrained idiot with a gun. The protester was not a threat, and even if he was, all he had to do was retreat back to the police line. He rushed at protesters with a gun drawn to pick a fight, and people are acting as if he were just there to keep the peace.
He fired INTO A CROWD, and it's a miracle he didn't hit more people. More people that hadn't thrown a plastic bag. More people that were just trying to protest police brutality, which is a real issue in this country.
And then when he did finally run away, some more protesters attempted to subdue him after he had already murdered someone, he tripped, and shot two people trying to stop him from shooting others.
The fact that the police didn't arrest him and take him into custody right then and there, even if they suspected it could be self defense, is a grave issue with that police department. Police may have not known what was going on. I doubt if they knew the true facts, they would've let him walk. Rittenhouse also shouldn't have left the scene of the crime, and should've gone down to the police station right away tho.
I could further dissect this situation, but for now I'm going to end with people passing around misinformation about the victims being "criminals so they deserved it."
First, there are no actual records of Jacob Blake or the people shot by Rittenhouse being in the official sex offender's registry. None of them raped a 14 year old girl years ago, that is complete fabrication being purposely spread by right wing extremist sites in order to try and justify the shootings.
Jacob Blake was indeed awaiting trial for sexual assault and trespassing, and did have a warrant for his arrest. It was not assault on a child, because that is a different charge with a different title. On the charging document, it would literally say that it was against a child. From what is publicly known, he allegedly broke into an ex girlfriend's house and allegedly assaulted HER, but he is innocent until proven guilty, and still deserves his day in court. He could truly be innocent.
Rittenhouse's victims do not appear to have had any record, and even if they did, he couldn't have known that at the time. You cannot insist a shoot was justified AFTER the fact because "that person was a criminal." Criminals have rights too, whether you like it or not, and it is enshrined in the very documents that built our country. If you don't like the constitution and bill of rights, I don't know what to tell you.Lobster says to check 4Chan. But seriously, people who pay their time don't lose their rights. Correct on this.
This is also not MY OPINION, this is literally how the criminal justice system and our laws work. I hold a degree in paralegal studies and served 8 years as an Army paralegal. I've worked for the criminal division in the Chicago US Attorney's Office, and currently work in federal law enforcement. This is what I do for a living, and I am not pulling this out of my ass, and my knowlege is a culmination of working in the field and being passionate about justice for 16 years. I'd be happy to send you sources and opines and case law and statutes if you need it. I did not get this from "mainstream media," and I am not brainwashed by the left. I'm an independent progressive.Spelled knowledge wrong.
May he face justice for what he did, and may we find a way to get on common ground before more fuses to this powder keg are lit.
This has been my Ted Talk.
what about paragraph 2 - where he says if you're already committing a crime, you cannot claim self defense?

how would that apply to curfew, and to an illegal weapon?

if a judge threw out the self-defense argument early on in proceedings, what's Kyle's team do then?
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Re: Kenosha

Post by jfish26 »

Not sure it works that way.

And the "can't be committing a crime" thing probably not be that simple.

If I'm in my house, in possession of like an embargoed Cuban cigar (when those were embargoed) I not entitled to self-defense if someone breaks in?
Deleted User 310

Re: Kenosha

Post by Deleted User 310 »

ousdahl wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:39 am
NiceDC wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:34 pm
defixione wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:18 pm Found this on line from a self-professed paralegal. I have no idea who wrote it or if it is accurate:

Words from a military legal worker (not me)

I'm seeing a lot of ignorance and misinformation flying around about what happened in Kenosha, and I'm going to set the record straight from a professional legal position... as well as from a former military position. I'm going to explain some things from a more technical angle derived from my many years as a paralegal and from my experience working in federal criminal justice and prosecution.Already skeptical. Homicide and self-defense are mostly state crimes. Each state has different nuances. S/he is not going to have Wisconsin state knowledge from "federal criminal justice and prosecution," which is usually not these types of crimes.
Legally, if you are in the process of a commission of a crime, it negates your ability to claim self defense if you kill someone. As in, it can't even be entered as your official defense in court. It is similar to getting rear-ended at a red light through zero fault of your own, but you were driving without a license or insurance. It automatically makes you at fault because you weren't even legally allowed to be driving.This doesn't seem accurate. You usually have a rebuttable presumption of guilt. Here, the person can be cited for illegally driving, but I doubt rear-ending a car is a crime. Thus the front car might get cited, and the rear car might have to still pay. Likely both cars would split. It also depends on never having a license, and having a license expired by a day. Way too much nuance to make a sweeping statement.
That 17 year old in Kenosha had committed two crimes and was not even legally allowed to open carry the rifle he used to shoot three people. This means that he legally cannot claim self defense.This is debatable, and going to be determined by case law likely. It's not clear cut either way.
Another key discussion is the Castle Doctrine. Some of you may be vaguely familiar with it, as it is what allows you to use deadly force when someone comes into your house unlawfully, etc. But there are some finer points most people don't realize that you generally have to do some formal legal studies to know.Castle Doctrine was never at play. Not going to even review.
First, as soon as someone sets foot inside the threshold of your home uninvited that you believe intends to commit a crime, you can legally use deadly force and it is immediately considered self defense, even if they haven't made any violent threats or actions towards harming you.
This is because in every instance outside your home, you are required to retreat and extricate yourself from a dangerous situation if possible. It is a legal mandate, not a suggestion. Your home is considered the final retreat point, and legally you should be safe in your "Castle." There is nowhere else to retreat to, etc. This is why you are able to immediately use deadly force.
However, it is NOT to protect your property, it is for protecting your LIFE. And once the burglar, for instance, has left your home... the threat to your life is considered neutralized, and deadly force is no longer authorized. So if a burglar runs out the door and down the street with your TV, you are no longer allowed to shoot after them because they are not threatening your life. You call the police, you file a claim with your insurance, and you get a new TV. If you shoot a burglar in the back down the street, you can and should be charged with murder.
While you are out in PUBLIC, this means a lot of things obviously. It means that there is far more scrutiny and boxes that must be checked in order to claim self defense. You must be in IMMINENT danger of losing life and limb. Getting into an argument and feeling scared of being punched by an unarmed person? Not likely to be a situation where deadly force is authorized. You MUST retreat.
If someone shoots at you or pulls a knife on you in the street, that is deadly force and can be met with deadly force. But if the person is unarmed, you cannot shoot them because you're afraid of a little scuffle. That is why Rittenhouse illegally shot the first protester, and it is one of the many reasons it cannot be considered self defense. The man threw a plastic bag with trash in it at him AND MISSED, and Rittenhouse shot him. He chased his victim and instigated a fight by brandishing and flagging people with his rifle, because he is an untrained idiot with a gun. The protester was not a threat, and even if he was, all he had to do was retreat back to the police line. He rushed at protesters with a gun drawn to pick a fight, and people are acting as if he were just there to keep the peace.
He fired INTO A CROWD, and it's a miracle he didn't hit more people. More people that hadn't thrown a plastic bag. More people that were just trying to protest police brutality, which is a real issue in this country.
And then when he did finally run away, some more protesters attempted to subdue him after he had already murdered someone, he tripped, and shot two people trying to stop him from shooting others.
The fact that the police didn't arrest him and take him into custody right then and there, even if they suspected it could be self defense, is a grave issue with that police department. Police may have not known what was going on. I doubt if they knew the true facts, they would've let him walk. Rittenhouse also shouldn't have left the scene of the crime, and should've gone down to the police station right away tho.
I could further dissect this situation, but for now I'm going to end with people passing around misinformation about the victims being "criminals so they deserved it."
First, there are no actual records of Jacob Blake or the people shot by Rittenhouse being in the official sex offender's registry. None of them raped a 14 year old girl years ago, that is complete fabrication being purposely spread by right wing extremist sites in order to try and justify the shootings.
Jacob Blake was indeed awaiting trial for sexual assault and trespassing, and did have a warrant for his arrest. It was not assault on a child, because that is a different charge with a different title. On the charging document, it would literally say that it was against a child. From what is publicly known, he allegedly broke into an ex girlfriend's house and allegedly assaulted HER, but he is innocent until proven guilty, and still deserves his day in court. He could truly be innocent.
Rittenhouse's victims do not appear to have had any record, and even if they did, he couldn't have known that at the time. You cannot insist a shoot was justified AFTER the fact because "that person was a criminal." Criminals have rights too, whether you like it or not, and it is enshrined in the very documents that built our country. If you don't like the constitution and bill of rights, I don't know what to tell you.Lobster says to check 4Chan. But seriously, people who pay their time don't lose their rights. Correct on this.
This is also not MY OPINION, this is literally how the criminal justice system and our laws work. I hold a degree in paralegal studies and served 8 years as an Army paralegal. I've worked for the criminal division in the Chicago US Attorney's Office, and currently work in federal law enforcement. This is what I do for a living, and I am not pulling this out of my ass, and my knowlege is a culmination of working in the field and being passionate about justice for 16 years. I'd be happy to send you sources and opines and case law and statutes if you need it. I did not get this from "mainstream media," and I am not brainwashed by the left. I'm an independent progressive.Spelled knowledge wrong.
May he face justice for what he did, and may we find a way to get on common ground before more fuses to this powder keg are lit.
This has been my Ted Talk.
what about paragraph 2 - where he says if you're already committing a crime, you cannot claim self defense?

how would that apply to curfew, and to an illegal weapon?

if a judge threw out the self-defense argument early on in proceedings, what's Kyle's team do then?
Was everyone breaking curfew? Or just the people under 18?

Also, serious it illegal for people under 18 to "have" a gun or just to "buy" a gun? Or if you are under 18 do you have to have your guardian with you? Thinking more in terms of hunting rather than killing people in the streets obviously. (Sad that needs to be specified)
Deleted User 310

Re: Kenosha

Post by Deleted User 310 »

jfish26 wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:44 am Not sure it works that way.

And the "can't be committing a crime" thing probably not be that simple.

If I'm in my house, in possession of like an embargoed Cuban cigar (when those were embargoed) I not entitled to self-defense if someone breaks in?
Right....obviously being in your house gets tricky....but if you were in Starbucks with it in your pocket and were attacked that wouldn't mean you couldn't use self defense...i believe the wording i have seen is "actively committing a crime" like if you break into someone's business and your only intention is to steal a TV, but the owner cracks you in the head with a bat, you can't kill them and say self defense from what i understand.
Deleted User 318

Re: Kenosha

Post by Deleted User 318 »

Everyone was breaking curfew. There was no age restriction.

Gun laws vary by state to state. The reporting is that gun, in that state, needs to be handled by an 18+ year-old. You cannot open carry guns you are not allowed to have. Therefore a law is broken. It's going to be that state's statutes to determine if Kyle is liable for a 17-year-old handling that gun, or someone else.

It's not the biggest deal in itself (compared to murder) but compounds the already bad situation that Kyle is in.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by jfish26 »

NiceDC wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:49 am Everyone was breaking curfew. There was no age restriction.

Gun laws vary by state to state. The reporting is that gun, in that state, needs to be handled by an 18+ year-old. You cannot open carry guns you are not allowed to have. Therefore a law is broken. It's going to be that state's statutes to determine if Kyle is liable for a 17-year-old handling that gun, or someone else.

It's not the biggest deal in itself (compared to murder) but compounds the already bad situation that Kyle is in.
In a sane world, none of the details would matter (except perhaps his age and, if any, circumstances like learning disabilities, etc.).

He was not "reacting" to shit. He either was ready, or spent time getting ready, to drive 10+ miles to interject himself into a controversy he had no part of.

Not a difficult case.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by Deleted User 310 »

NiceDC wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:49 am Everyone was breaking curfew. There was no age restriction.

Gun laws vary by state to state. The reporting is that gun, in that state, needs to be handled by an 18+ year-old. You cannot open carry guns you are not allowed to have. Therefore a law is broken. It's going to be that state's statutes to determine if Kyle is liable for a 17-year-old handling that gun, or someone else.

It's not the biggest deal in itself (compared to murder) but compounds the already bad situation that Kyle is in.

Makes sense....i am surprised so many people really think he might get away with this. Especially the first killing.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by zsn »

NiceDC wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:49 am Everyone was breaking curfew. There was no age restriction.

Gun laws vary by state to state. The reporting is that gun, in that state, needs to be handled by an 18+ year-old. You cannot open carry guns you are not allowed to have. Therefore a law is broken. It's going to be that state's statutes to determine if Kyle is liable for a 17-year-old handling that gun, or someone else.

It's not the biggest deal in itself (compared to murder) but compounds the already bad situation that Kyle is in.
Pretty hard to refute premeditated intent. What, if not killing someone, was the intent to drive 20 miles with a gun? If the response is self defense it’s easy to counter with “if you thought your life was in danger that you needed an AR-15 to defend yourself why did you go there in the first place”.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by ousdahl »

Yeah, isn’t the whole point of curfew to try and prevent shit like this from happening? It’s a blanket “anyone out after curfew is breaking the law.” There’s no exemptions for vigilantes.

And yeah, the first killing may be more egregious, and a stronger case. Regarding the “if you are in the process of committing a crime you cannot claim self defense,” could that apply to the subsequent shootings?

Is prosecution gonna argue he can’t claim self defense against a skateboarder cuz especially at that point he wasn’t some lawful dogooder, but a murder suspect fleeing the scene?
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Re: Kenosha

Post by Walrus »

The sad truth is, because much of our nation is more interested in appeasing mobs of irrational people, that is the only reason this poor kid is going through this. Had this kid been a black democrat, there would have been no charges. Because he fit the description needed, he's been used as a distraction from the the real problem -- the riots. The good news is, he won't get convinced of murder, and he might even have a few lawsuits he can use. ;)
"This whole thing was a big dick-waving contest, it's just that my dick was bigger than yours."
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Re: Kenosha

Post by jfish26 »

Walrus wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:31 pm The sad truth is, because much of our nation is more interested in appeasing mobs of irrational people, that is the only reason this poor kid is going through this. Had this kid been a black democrat, there would have been no charges. Because he fit the description needed, he's been used as a distraction from the the real problem -- the riots. The good news is, he won't get convinced of murder, and he might even have a few lawsuits he can use. ;)
Not sure that is the right way to describe the "only" reason he's going through this.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by ousdahl »

Yeah, cuz a whole swat team would just let a black kid with an assault rifle just walk by and go home.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by PhDhawk »

I don't get it.

Other people were doing illegal things/bad things, yes. Other people should be in trouble/charged with crimes, yes. That doesn't make what this kid did ok. Someone else doing something illegal doesn't justify killing them.

If you want to argue he's being singled out, fine. You want to argue he's getting more attention for political or media related issues, fine. But, he's not a hero. Two wrongs don't make a right, all he did was escalate an already bad situation to the point of people dying.

I do find it funny, that the only poster who says racism doesn't exist, and continually says racism wasn't at play in every event that makes the news, is now suddenly crying about racism as the reason this white kid was arrested for shooting and killing people. What a fucking joke.

It's stupid ass posts like his that ruin discussion. You can't even make a point about the protests or make a counter-point to what's been posted because you'll get lumped in with the worthless sack of shit claiming reverse racism in a world where he says racism doesn't exist is the reason a kid is under arrest, and not for shooting and killing people.

I wish he knew (or maybe he does) that he's having the opposite effect he wants to here.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by Sparko »

Sometime between the time he assaulted a woman and the night in question, Kyle posted-talked a lot of crap about what his intent was. I imagine most of this is political posturing for now.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by Walrus »

For those who are open, this sums it up.
"This whole thing was a big dick-waving contest, it's just that my dick was bigger than yours."
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Re: Kenosha

Post by Sparko »

The kid was radicalized by the gun movement and just wanted respect of the lib owning right wing nutbags. But a murder is something that is an irrevocable mistake. When he can raise the dead, let me know.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by twocoach »

Walrus wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:53 pm For those who are open, this sums it up.
I have heard all of these things in mainstream media except for the false claim by Rittenhouse that he was an EMT. He's not.

Just more whining about things that arent true.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by chiknbut »

That's my favorite part about Lobby's videos - they consistently tell you that "the mainstream media isn't telling you things." And then the video uses clips from the "mainstream media" as a source.

While some might say it's a complete lack of self-awareness, it's more of a performance art, I suppose.
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Re: Kenosha

Post by sdoyel »

"The real issue with covid: its not killing enough people." - randylahey

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Re: Kenosha

Post by Deleted User 310 »

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