Hot springs

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Re: Hot springs

Post by japhy »

Two words; "neked", "hippies"

Do not travel south on Hwy 285 during the weekend of the Seven Peaks Music Festival though, that promises to be a nightmare.
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: Hot springs

Post by KUTradition »

family-friendly nudity?

i’m not sure that phrase has ever been uttered before
Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?
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Re: Hot springs

Post by ousdahl »

oh yea!

so all along this thread has been about psychedelics. DUH!

I'd always post "not yet" cuz I'd be coming down from some ridiculous experience at some hot springs; each time with profound insights, lots of giggling, and yes, you guessed it: gratuitous nudity; but still in no state to post anything too much at once.

but the bumble chick who tripped herself into the fetal position got me thinking. I've been told/feel like I have a high tolerance for psychedelics. Her, on the other hand, can't handle her trips one bit.

So I came up with a theory:

she's also the type of chick who's very rigid, very much has her shit together, very much in tune with reality. Her perspectives are a rock solid definite to her. It's on her cover letter and everything.

I'm rather the type who gets caught daydreaming about things like, whether reality is actually some malleable thing. It's just a construct. It's not like reality is some objective set-in-stone thing, right? Perspectives are always prone to change!

but psychedelics are the sort of thing that can sorta bend certain realities for you; can force you to change your perspectives whether you're ready for it or not. I'm cool with that sort of thing. I welcome that sort of thing. She, otoh, seems so insistent on some specific structured idea of what reality is that she couldn't handle that concrete reality going a little bit back to cement again.

So maybe it's not that I have a higher tolerance, per se. It's more that my psyche is just better equipped to weather with the head fuck that is psychedelics.

or something.

I should work on articulating that better.

and for the record, I'm not tripping right now.

Tho I am a little stoned.

So what? It helps to stomach the whole reality thing.

...anywho so now she wants to go do shrooms at the hot springs together...
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