Our National Health Care Situation

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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by TDub »

Air travel isn't really transportation (it is, of course, but not in the sense ofnhow youre using that word). A sector of it is for transportation of goods. But most if it I wouldn't consider necessary for anything really.

Most air travel is for luxury and isn't necessary. It should not be nationalized l, there isn't a single argument in favor of nationalizing it that would make any sense.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by dolomite »

My doc told me as long as I stay on my bio-identical hormone therapy that I won’t have a heart attack. Fingers crossed, 80th birthday coming up.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by Shirley »

dolomite wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:00 am My doc told me as long as I stay on my bio-identical hormone therapy that I won’t have a heart attack. Fingers crossed, 80th birthday coming up.
Let's hope s/he's right!

(Certainly has bigger 'nads than me.) Because

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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by DCHawk1 »

ousdahl wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:40 am
TDub wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:31 am also, for a guy that has spent the last....year? railing against every facet of government and every decision the government has made.....

you sure are eager to hand them control over more and more things.
Well, a big reason I don’t trust the gummint much is because instead of the gummint making things like healthcare or transportation better for our nation, we put most of our resources toward bombs instead.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by Shirley »

I don't think anyone could have predicted the citizens of Florida would care about having their health insurance taken away...

Trump’s gift to Florida Democrats - They will use his latest call to repeal Obamacare against Republicans.

Bidenomics is out. Obamacare is in.

Democrats are fired up about putting Republicans on the spot over health care after 2024 GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said recently he was “seriously looking at alternatives” to the Affordable Care Act and urged his party to “never give up” on terminating it.

Congressional Republicans failed to undo Obamacare under Trump, largely because they couldn’t agree on a replacement. Since then, Democrats have used Obamacare as an effective rallying cry to win elections by focusing on the popular parts of the law that would go away under GOP repeal, such as how it forbids insurers from turning away or out-pricing sicker customers.

Ahead of 2024, Democrats are vowing to protect and improve the law again, including former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-Fla.), who is running for the Democratic nomination to unseat Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.). In an interview, she accused Trump and Scott — who endorsed Trump — of wanting “to take away affordable health care from millions of Floridians.”

“This is an issue that will activate our voters in Florida to come out and vote … bring it on; let’s talk about this issue,” she said.

Repealing a 13-year-old medical law would be complicated and take years, and some U.S. senators told POLITICO’s Burgess Everett that they had no interest. Obamacare’s reach is sprawling: It makes restaurant chains post menu item calories, mandates birth-control and other prevention coverage and allows adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26.

“You’ve got to put others on the spot about this,” said Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla.), who Republicans are trying to unseat in 2024. “This is something deeply personal to millions of Floridians. It’s literally their own personal health care. So I think it’ll organically become more of an issue now that the person that’s the presumptive nominee for them has declared war on Obamacare again.”

In Florida alone, nearly all 3.2 million people who bought private health insurance plans under Obamacare get some of their coverage paid for by the federal government. “We have to continue to remind them who’s on their side, and who’s going to continue to work on these issues,” Mucarsel-Powell said of voters. “A lot has been done, a lot of good things have been achieved.”

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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by ousdahl »


After several attempts, a lot of confusing messages, an application completed, a plan selected, and a charge from that insurance company on my credit card, I just got an email alert from healthcare.gov that I still need to complete my application and select a plan if I want coverage for 2024.

What in the actual fuck.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by TDub »

I got a message saying I didn't qualify, then they charged me anyway, then I got a message saying congrats you qualify, then I got one saying sorry you don't qualify try again later. Then I got a message saying I need to pick my plan, then I picked a plan, got another charge, then got a message saying enrollment ended. Then I got one saying g I needed to pick a plan if I want coverage.

I called over and over....eventually talked to someone who said I didn't qualify.

Then I got a call from another person saying I needed to enroll I told them I didn't qualify, they said you do for plans x y z, I selected one and got charged...again (3 times for those scoring at home).

Today, got an email saying I wasn't covered for 2024 and I needed to start the process.

It is a fucking disaster.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by ousdahl »

For real.

I keep getting messages like, “to complete your application go to the “select my plan” page on healthcare.gov and make your selection.

But the thing is, there is no page entitled “select my plan” on healthcare.gov
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by Sparko »

I would walk into one of the Colorado Connect offices and get a real person to help.
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Re: Our National Health Care Situation

Post by ousdahl »

I selected a “have someone call you” option and got a voicemail about it from a number in Missouri.

No way I’m picking that call up.
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