Robert f Kennedy jr

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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by DCHawk1 »

KUTradition wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:53 am kinda surprised epstein isn’t on the list
He was answering a question about flying on Epstein's plane.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by KUTradition »

DCHawk1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:20 am
KUTradition wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:53 am kinda surprised epstein isn’t on the list
He was answering a question about flying on Epstein's plane.

Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by japhy »


Wow, the entire Kennedy clan at the White House with President Biden.

Someone seems to be missing though....maybe he was just in the bathroom snorting coke when the photo was taken or something.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Overlander »

japhy wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:38 pm Image

Wow, the entire Kennedy clan at the White House with President Biden.

Someone seems to be missing though....maybe he was just in the bathroom snorting coke when the photo was taken or something.
Who is the hillbilly 2 left of the Leprechaun?
"The truth is obtained like gold, not by letting it grow bigger, but by washing off from it everything that isn’t gold.” Tolstoy
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by RainbowsandUnicorns »

Overlander wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:24 pm
japhy wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:38 pm Image

Wow, the entire Kennedy clan at the White House with President Biden.

Someone seems to be missing though....maybe he was just in the bathroom snorting coke when the photo was taken or something.
Who is the hillbilly 2 left of the Leprechaun?
It's Stephen Kennedy Smith Jr. His mother was Jean Kennedy Smith - JFK's, Bobby's, and Ted's sister.
Guy went to Harvard and Columbia and is an attorney.
Not really a "Hillbilly" but yes, looks like one.

"Creepy child hair sniffer Joe" was in fine form. :?

MICHHAWK wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am
your posting history on this this site alone. says you should not be calling other people stupid.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by jfish26 »

Had no idea we had a HoF quarterback lurking these here boards! I know this has come up elsewhere, but I don't recall this level of detail.
“They vaxxed millions and millions of Americans, right? Who knows what this is going to do to us?” ponders Rodgers. “There was a gentleman early on, there’s a video you can find… He basically admits if we’ve called this what it is, experimental gene therapy, maybe 5 percent of people would have signed up for it.

“But when you tag the term ‘vaccine’ to it, then you open up this whole other thing. So if you question a vaccine, now you’re anti-science, now you’re a tinfoil hat-wearer, now you’re a quack, and you’re anti-medicine, anti-health, right? And that’s what they did. That’s what they did. And then they can vilify whoever they want to vilify.

“I mean, all the shit. Remember this is shit that they said? This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. President Weekend at Bernie’s Biden went on TV and said it’s going to be a winter of death for the unvaccinated. That’s what he fucking said. Are you kidding me? Do people not remember this? Do you not have a problem with this? Do you not think any of this is a little bit strange?

“They shut the country down. The largest transfer of wealth ever. These pharma companies made billions and billions and billions of dollars for an experimental gene therapy that changes your DNA. That you have bizarre extra death numbers going on.

“If you follow diet suddenly, and you follow and you track healthy, youngish, or even healthy athletes who got jabbed, just dying. Not to question any of it. Like, any, this is a little bit strange. You’d probably be the same people in the 80s going, yeah, nothing wrong with AZT.”


“There’s plenty of young people and not just who’ve died, but have had episodes on the field, had to retire, had to stop playing. But then now you’re vilified to even question, like, back in the day, this is how fucking crazy and backward this shit is. There was a witchhunt to see in the NFL, who’s vaccinated, who’s not vaccinated, what vaccine you got, shit on the people who aren’t vaccinated, right?

“Like, the first question was like, when you got to the campus, are you vaccinated? And now somebody has a heart episode or dies, unfortunately. And if you happen to be like, wonder if they were vaxxed? You’re a fucking terrible person. You have no empathy. And it’s like, no, I have all the empathy in the world. These people were vilified and scared to death to get vaccinated. And how many people actually would have wanted to?”


“Trump’s an outsider, all the right rhetoric, we’re going to drain a swamp and go after the corruption. And I don’t think a lot happened. And what I fault him for is Tony Fauci because he is an establishment pharmacrat since he got in, and he’s been in forever, and he’s the highest-paid government official. And… not only did Trump push the vaccine, Operation Warp Speed or whatever the fuck it was, but he let Fauci stay in charge and shut the country down.

“So my thing on politics is I’ve always thought it’s a fucking sham because the majority of them are all juiced in, and it’s run by the big banks, the big pharma, the lobbyists, the big everything, right? That doesn’t give a shit deep down about the American people, all they care about is profits, power, and control.

“So my antidote to that is RFK, Jr.”


“The last real President was the first President I studied, which was JFK,” said Rodgers. “And that’s what got me into questioning things because I did a sophomore project on JFK, life and death. And when I read, back in the day in 1998 or 9… you read the story about Lee Harvey Oswald being the sole gunman of the president and this magic bullet theory, I remember thinking to myself in the sophomore class, ‘That’s fucking bullshit.’ And that got me into questioning things.

“And now when you go back, and I’ve read a ton of books about JFK, about his life, he was trying to do some real shit. He was trying to decrease the power of the Fed and get us back on a metal standard. He was going after corruption. He wasn’t letting the OSS, which turned into the CIA, get us into World War III with Operation Northwoods, which you can go research.

“He fired Alan Dulles. And then if you research Alan Dulles’ background and know his connection to the Bushes and how he basically went from banking to espionage to bringing Operation Paperclip, which brought the scientists, the German scientists, into the States… which turned some of them into MK Ultra.

“And again, these are not conspiracy. These are all proven things, although conspiracy is a term which gets slighted. Conspiracy theories have been right about a lot of things in the last couple of years, if you go back and look at it.”

And then, friends, things got really weird.

Later on, Bravo and his producer launch into several conspiracies (flat earth, human beings didn’t evolve from monkeys, giants were real) that come together around the Tartarian Empire, a pseudohistorical conspiracy theory that has been described as “the QAnon of architecture” and often appeals to racists and antisemites.

Bravo goes off on a rant about how cathedrals built in the 1800s couldn’t have been built without power tools when Rodgers chimes in.

“The World’s Fair is part of it too,” said Rodgers. “It’s interesting.”

As for what Rodgers is referring to, “one canonical belief of Tartarian aficionados is that the elaborate temporary pavilions built for late 19th century and early 20th century World’s Fairs were, in fact, Tartarian capital cities,” per Zach Mortice.

“That’s very interesting stuff,” Rodgers continued. “I think that’s the best part of kind of going through life with just a curiosity and a skepticism almost about certain things is… ‘Look at this. It’s crazy.’

“I think it starts with the curiosity about our history and what is actually true that we’ve been told and what is a lie. Why does that fucking matter? It’s because if they can lie about that, what else can they lie about? And what are we actually doing on this planet?

“Where do we come from? And why don’t we care about things that actually should matter? And why are we so distracted, and why are they trying these different things for power and control? It goes back to what is real in this world and what can we actually go, ‘You know what? I really believe in this.’

“Tartaria is interesting to me because I have a natural skepticism paired with a true curiosity about history. I studied history in college. When I was nine years old, I studied Egypt. And that’s why I’m so fascinated by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson and their theories about Egypt. I love their podcast with Joe.

“And why does that history matter? Because there’s been probably thousands and thousands and thousands and tens and hundreds of thousands maybe years of extremely advanced civilizations. Why does that change things? Because everything that they’ve told us could be a lie.

“A lot of the stuff, you mentioned Rockefeller. You look into the history of some of those families and what they’ve done to this country and just look at it from a medicine standpoint. Like, if you know the history of medicine in this country, there’s a great book called Dissolving Illusions, which touches on some of this stuff.

“But if you look at Rockefeller’s influence on history and education…very fascinating. Many buildings and structures and islands around the world and country have been named after a lot of these ruling families in a more of a positive light. But there’s been some interesting things that they brought to this country that maybe aren’t in our best interest. And I just like to question things.

“I think it’s interesting when you go to a big city, whether we play a lot of big cities, and you look at some of the architecture, you’re like, man, that’s fucking crazy. But doesn’t match some of the other stuff in the same time period. It’s very strange. What is this all about?

“And then you look at just looking at the world. It orients you and it gives you a curiosity to question what they’ve been telling you about various structures around the world, and there’s some things I look at, and I’m like, did we have Avatar-style home trees here? You look at some of these mountains that are flattened off that look like petrified pieces of trees.

“What would the world look like with free energy and time travel that he was working on? All the other crazy inventions that Nikola Tesla was bringing to this planet. And what would it look like? We knew the real history of what happened to the Library of Alexandria and what was written there. What’s in the library of the Vatican? What secrets are they hiding there that could move this forward?”

“…So I’m fascinated in the Tartarian empire, just like I’m fascinated with what happened with the Greeks and the Egyptians and America and what’s going on in Antarctica and what happened there. There’s a lot of really interesting things that pique my interest, but the buildings especially.

“I notice it every time I go into big cities, the architecture is very fascinating from just pure esthetic standpoint. They’re gorgeous, they’re beautiful buildings. But then you look at some old photos, and you’re like, what else [indecipherable].”


In all seriousness, one of the things that becomes abundantly clear when you listen to Rodgers talk long enough is that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and he’s more than happy to continue not knowing it. He sees so much of the world through the lens of someone who has never had to get in the muck and deal with reality.

His “common sense” ideas have occurred to everyone, but he lacks the grounding to understand why they’re not in place, not to mention who is responsible for that. And he presumes that it means everyone else must be dumber than him, rather than concluding that he needs to educate himself further. Not to mention it becomes clear that while he appreciates being able to “question things,” he very clearly focuses that skepticism on specific areas and not others. He truly embodies the “college sophomore problem.” ... ket_reader
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by japhy »

Fuck yeah, the Tartarian Empire finally getting some respect.

You bitch ass rubes are powerless to resist us.

But we could use some help with tax cuts when you get a chance.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Sparko »

japhy wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:26 pm Fuck yeah, the Tartarian Empire finally getting some respect.

You bitch ass rubes are powerless to resist us.

But we could use some help with tax cuts when you get a chance.
Japh is clearly an alien. Xenu knows.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by RainbowsandUnicorns »

Nicole Shanahan.
MICHHAWK wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am
your posting history on this this site alone. says you should not be calling other people stupid.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by japhy »

I checked the gauges, the needle moved up to "meh".
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Overlander »

japhy wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:36 pm I checked the gauges, the needle moved up to "meh".
That is actually a big jump from "So?"
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Sparko »

I would Google her, but it feels too dirty
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Overlander »

Basically, she cheated on her billionaire husband with Musk and some other tech douche.

Came out the other side doing well.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by ousdahl »

“We should be voting for a president who we expect to complete the term.”

But even that is asking a lot from a Kennedy
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by Sparko »

ousdahl wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:51 am “We should be voting for a president who we expect to complete the term.”

But even that is asking a lot from a Kennedy
Thread locker right there.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by KUTradition »

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. proposed to take a "no-spoiler" pledge with President Joe Biden at a campaign event in New York Wednesday, as he feuds with former President Donald Trump...

Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by jfish26 »

Trump’s camp is now freaking the fuck out over RFK. Another sign that there is nasty internal polling suggesting a November wipeout. And it’s only going to get worse, given the grift issues, so long as Biden can thread the needle on all of the Israel stuff.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by MICHHAWK »

i don't know what any of this means. i don't know what he stands for. but i like him.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by RainbowsandUnicorns »

MICHHAWK wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 8:49 am i don't know what any of this means. i don't know what he stands for. but i like him.
How are you not on a college campus in an "encampment" right now?
MICHHAWK wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am
your posting history on this this site alone. says you should not be calling other people stupid.
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Re: Robert f Kennedy jr

Post by RainbowsandUnicorns »

jfish26 wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 8:38 am Trump’s camp is now freaking the fuck out over RFK. Another sign that there is nasty internal polling suggesting a November wipeout. And it’s only going to get worse, given the grift issues, so long as Biden can thread the needle on all of the Israel stuff.
"nasty internal polling suggesting a November wipeout".
Can/will you please elaborate on this? Thanks in advance.
MICHHAWK wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am
your posting history on this this site alone. says you should not be calling other people stupid.
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