The Lurker says...

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Re: The Lurker says...

Post by japhy »

DCHawk1 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:56 pm
ETA: Perhaps, though, you could find one here:
Jesus, that website is depressing.

But in truth not as depressing as Tuckie's website hawking t-shirts with Kid Rock on them.

Does no one just ride off and fade into the sunset gracefully like Jimmy Carter any more?
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: The Lurker says...

Post by ousdahl »

BluntDC is the best sock yet.
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Re: The Lurker says...

Post by japhy »

He back, jus cain't shut up.
The notion that Joe Biden is some bumbling no-account president is just absurd. His accomplishments are singular and significant, not to mention he is decent and gives a shit about our democracy and freedoms. The truth is, even if he WAS this no-account you all piss and moan about, he STILL would be the obvious and ONLY choice to keep the monster Trump from attaining the WH again. So here is what Biden HAS done: He has saved our country from the recession every economist predicted and he did this by three signature pieces of legislation: The Inflation Reduction Act; the Infrastructure Bill and the Chips Act. Furthermore. The first of those addresses in the most meaningful way BY FAR our climate change crisis and creates millions of jobs in the process. Our job growth has been at record levels and consistent and our GDP has remained steady. Inflation is down and the inflation that we DID suffer through was the same post-pandemic inflation EVERY nation in Europe suffered through.. But guess what? Our economy is the absolute envy of industrialized nations around Europe. Biden has also been the adult in dealing with tantrum-throwing Republicans and has gotten deals done under the worst possible consequences. He has restored NATO and our standing in the world. He has gamely supported Ukraine in the face of the Putin-loving opposition. This and so much more puts the lie to all your pissing and moaning about how awful our choices are. Your choices aren’t awful. They’re actually quite easy. And this isn’t an academic exercise or a debate. It’s the real fucking world and my grandchildren and your grandchildren are counting on you to do every thing you can to not turn this country over to a monster.

Thus endeth The Lurker Lecture
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: The Lurker says...

Post by Sparko »

Classic lurker good logic.
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