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Re: Aliens

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:57 am
by randylahey

Re: Aliens

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:25 am
by jhawks99
I knew it. This guy was right all along.


Re: Aliens

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:40 am
by KUTradition
According to his own telling, Gary had found a folder on a Johnson Space Center computer titled “unfiltered”. Contained within was a thumbnail of a strange satellite image, depicting what looked to be some kind of spacecraft. It was cigar-shaped, with a clear dome on top. Alien or government-made, this had to be a UFO. As the high-resolution image slowly downloaded to his computer, though, a U.S. government employee took control of Gary’s mouse and, before he could do anything about it, clicked to sever his connection. He left without his photo, but unswayed.

Claiming that he found his first hard piece of evidence at the very moment he was first kicked off a U.S. government computer, after a whole year with no issue, is not believable to us. Even in a universe where they did exist, it’s hard to imagine that classified images depicting UFOs would sit on government computers connected to the open internet. The state has internal, offline networks for that level of sensitive information. It’s more likely that Gary either happened upon a honeypot–which would explain the highly coincidental timing of being shut out of the network at the exact moment he’d been building up to for a whole year–or that he simply misinterpreted a tiny thumbnail, or grainy image slowly coming through his 56k-bit dial-up connection. It is quite possible, no matter the legitimacy of his claim, that he himself believes it to be true.


Re: Aliens

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:03 am
by twocoach
If he backs it up with evidence then sure, I'd believe it.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:45 am
by ousdahl
It was cigar-shaped, with a clear dome on top

Extraterrestrial dick pics

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:42 pm
by jhawks99
Mexico claims it is in possession of alien mummies from Peru. ... 00-10abd1h