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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:56 pm
by PhDhawk
twocoach wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:39 pm
Walrus wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:34 pm Bret Weinstein made a great point today:

"If we're sacrificing individuals because a mob has decided they are guilty, we aren't America anymore"
But if we sacrifice some individuals so Walrus can have a cheeseburger then we're 'Murica!
As long as they're old or have asthma or diabetes, they don't matter.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:13 pm
by Walrus
I never said or implied that. It's the protesters that you should be mad at, since they are a bunch of idiots that spread the virus worse than anyone else.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:48 pm
by twocoach
Walrus wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:13 pm I never said or implied that. It's the protesters that you should be mad at, since they are a bunch of idiots that spread the virus worse than anyone else.
Maybe, we'll see in a few more weeks.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:43 pm
by Deleted User 289
twocoach wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:56 pm
Grandma wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:01 am I'm wondering how many times us White people have had issues with the police because of the color of our skin. I actually have - ONCE. Was on the West Side of Chicago and was accused of being there to buy drugs. Explained I was there to visit a friend. Cop didn't believe me. I'll spare you the rest of the story.

The video I am sharing below and my words could (and probably should) go on a number of other threads. I feel the video was pretty powerful. Especially after hearing 3 different stories a couple of weeks ago.
Brief synopsis of each story.....

Story 1. Harvard educated Black Man. Lived in New York. Numerous times has been "profiled" ONLY because of the color of his skin. Actually harassed. Usually followed by an excuse of it was "mistaken identity". Very rarely apologized to. One time was told they thought he was a murder suspect. They pushed him up against a wall at gunpoint while a cop frisked him. BEFORE asking him for identification.

Story 2. Black man grew up in Shaker Heights Ohio. Was a young child during the Hough riots (look it up). Father was Doctor. Black Panthers actually escorted his father from their home to his office to protect him knowing that his father was one of the only doctors who would willingly work and treat other Black people during that time. Went to Washington University in St. Louis. Had Black roommates in a nice apartment in a "nice" area. Neighbors often called the police accusing them of breaking in to their own home. Got to the point where a couple of neighbors admitted they did it for their enjoyment/entertainment.

Story 3. Successful Black man well trained to the point of being an "expert" in several forms of Martial Arts. Just last year.....Was with his wife and another couple in Martha's Vineyard and was pulled over by two young White cops at night. Was accused of driving while intoxicated. Had NOT been drinking. Very rarely drinks. Cops told him to step out of the car. Didn't want to and at first refused but his wife was terrified so he did. Was taught at an early age to respect the cops no matter what and do not show any emotion no matter how unfair they are being and how upset he is. Cops started to give him a field sobriety test. Then for their own amusement had him do degrading things.
Got to the point where they told him to hop up and down on on leg and dance around in a circle and they were cracking up laughing at him. He said he was confident without their having guns in a citizen vs. citizen situation, he could have destroyed the both of them. Said it took a lot of restraint for him not to do it even though they had guns and were cops. Finally he had enough. Told them as such in a stern manner while his wife was hysterically frightened and the other couple were yelling at him and the cops to stop.
Finally ended when he told them they had two choices. Let him go or arrest him RIGHT NOW. They let him go. To this day, he still doesn't know why they didn't lie and accuse him of doing something he didn't do. Like has happened to him multiple times in the past.
The only time my skin color was a topic with the police was when I was walking back to my car after a Detroit Tigers game at the old Tigers Stadium in the mid 80's. We were parked a long way from the stadium so there were very few people around us and a police officer pulled up to us and said "you white boys need to clear out of here asap. I dont want to be up all night filling out paperwork. You shouldn't be out here."
Thanks for reminding me that in terms of my experiences with the police, the color of my skin didn't matter just "ONCE". I was in New Orleans for the Final Four and my buddies and I ended up on the "wrong" side of the bridge. Granted we also had Illinois plates on the car but the color of our skin stood out. We got pulled over and the police were kind enough to escort us back to the "right" side.
I can only imagine how it different it must be for a lot of Black people in a similar situation in which they are pulled over for being on the "wrong" side of the "bridge".

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:17 pm
by Deleted User 289
Walrus wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:13 pm I never said or implied that. It's the protesters that you should be mad at, since they are a bunch of idiots that spread the virus worse than anyone else.
I'm not happy with the protesters but I'm not mad at them. When I was out observing, the majority were wearing masks and actually somewhat distancing themselves. Many if not most of the people you choose to refer to as "a bunch of idiots" - are probably a lot smarter than the majority of Americans in terms of their respect for the virus.
I'm more mad at the ________ friend of mine who felt the need to throw herself a birthday party last night in which she posted videos and photos of and basically boasted and bragged about how they were not following "guidelines". I see many people on a daily basis who simply don't give a fuck and are seemingly proud of it.
Please explain to me how the protesters "spread the virus worse" than the literally 10s of millions of people in this country who don't wear masks and don't give a shit about social/physical distancing and who have spread the virus.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:19 pm
by PhDhawk
Walrus wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:13 pm I never said or implied that. It's the protesters that you should be mad at, since they are a bunch of idiots that spread the virus worse than anyone else.
Then perhaps it wasn't directed at you.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:31 pm
by Walrus
Grandma wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:17 pm Please explain to me how the protesters "spread the virus worse" than the literally 10s of millions of people in this country who don't wear masks and don't give a shit about social/physical distancing and who have spread the virus.
I can't prove without a shadow of doubt they are "spreading it worse" -- all I was pointing out was that these large group gatherings are not helping slow the spread. I think you would agree with that, right? I condemn those who "don't give a fuck" about it too, just so you know. Sure, it might not be dangerous for a lot of us, but that doesn't mean we should not take it seriously. I actually know of people who died of covid in Kansas -- I know it's extremely dangerous for some people. I wear my masks when I go out, even though I don't like to wear them.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:44 pm
by Deleted User 289
Yes, I agree 100% that large group gatherings are not helping slow the spread - if anyone in those in the large group gatherings are not following "guidelines".
Yes, I fault protesters who didn't/don't give a fuck.
That being said, I am fed up with being told I need to wear a mask in situations where my wearing a mask doesn't make a difference - and being told I don't need to wear a mask in situations where is does make a difference.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:59 pm
by Deleted User 62
Walrus wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:13 pm I never said or implied that. It's the protesters that you should be mad at, since they are a bunch of idiots that spread the virus worse than anyone else.
I think you will have to revisit this statement on Saturday.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:04 am
by seahawk
Good point.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:10 pm
by Deleted User 289
I'm troubled.
I got my ass out to Grant Park today to "march" and "rally". It was meaningful to me. Peaceful. Unity. Good stuff. ... m/6255566/

Tonight I went on Facebook and read this from a Black friend of mine. Not that it probably matters but to give you some insight on him, he's a gay man who is an actor and a musician and he's usually one of the warmest people you'll meet. His Uncle was a somewhat famous TV "star" and one of the coolest guys around.

This is what he posted.
"I have people coming out of the crevices of hell trying to apologize for some shit they did or said to me in the past. Welp, not interested. Live with it. Learn from it. And never do it again. But don't expect absolution from me. I don't owe you anything. Happy Juneteenth"!

A few of the responses.....

"white guilt is a hellava drug".

"I’ve been apologized to by two white men in the last 24 hours for gaslighting me and attacking me when I highlighted a racist experience or something adjacent to it.
FUCK 👏🏽 YOU 👏🏽 ! I don’t owe you a damn thing and I certainly am not helping you feel better about yourself. Go with God and get out my inbox before I cuss you out".

"Did they have a Caucasian absolution meeting and decide to roll through at the same time ?!?"

"I really like this attitude. Not everything should be forgiven, and getting forgiven is often a quick way to avoid introspection or that fact one caused pain to another".


I was going to respectfully respond but then realized who the fuck am I to say anything? It's not so much that I was offended as it is I was upset. Like I said, today I experienced unity and respect. A lot of good "vibes" in Grant Park. Reading what my friend posted and the responses put a damper on that but hey, I respect his honesty and his speaking his mind. Woke me back up from my dream.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:13 pm
by Geezer
Pretty funny meme

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:15 pm
by TDub
So, is it better if no one apologizes then? Because, thats pretty much how its been, sooooo, thought it was about working on improving. First step to that is acknowledging the problem and apologizing.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:16 am
by twocoach
Apologizing to your random African American neighbor does as much as a "thoughts and prayers" tweet after yet another mass shooting.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:22 am
by TDub
twocoach wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:16 am Apologizing to your random African American neighbor does as much as a "thoughts and prayers" tweet after yet another mass shooting.
Ok so no apologies. Got it.

Its takes recognition to begin repair. Apologies are part of the recognition process

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:25 am
by twocoach
TDub wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:22 am
twocoach wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:16 am Apologizing to your random African American neighbor does as much as a "thoughts and prayers" tweet after yet another mass shooting.
Ok so no apologies. Got it.

Its takes recognition to begin repair. Apologies are part of the recognition process
If they are followed by actions that actually accomplish something then great. My guess is that they are the entire process for many.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:26 am
by TDub
Also, regardless of race, religion, creed, and topic. If you're gonna clap at me while saying fuck you, then I think were done talking. I cant stand the clapping for emphasis thing.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:43 am
by Deleted User 289
I have mixed feelings and am confused. I can't speak for my friend and for those who's responses I provided but my guess is they want action more than what they feel is a person feeling obligated to say I'm sorry because of something that they shouldn't have done, should have realized their mistake immediately, and should have apologized for it instantly.
On the flip side, I'm someone who feels it's never to late to say your sorry - if it's genuine and you express to the person you know you have wronged them and want to discuss it with them - if they would like to talk about it.

You need to realize my friend is not "just" a Black man. He's an openly gay Black man. He has been discriminated against not "just" for the color of his skin. I can't even imagine how fucking terrible it is to be judged by others as he has been.

On a lighter note. Someone shared a humorous story on his "thread".

Scoozi (restaurant)
> Jon Logan waited on Madonna there. They had bussed the table already and this woman asked to buy her glass with her lipstick on it!
Jon went back to the bus station, grabbed a dirty glass and gave a female server $20 to drink from it with her red lipstick!
Then he sold it to the woman for $100!!!!!!
> That server was Lori Swiger. It was awesome.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:42 am
by zsn
OMG they just arrested a lady (white, if it’s of any consequence) in Tulsa wearing “I can’t breathe” shirt and just sitting in an empty area for trespassing. On live tv. She said she has a ticket.

I’m sure ACLU and NAACP has already dispatched lawyers.

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:53 am
by Walrus
Apologizing for your skin color, lol. I'll take these guy's advice, since they are talking sense. They are black too.