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Guess The Score notice - PLEASE READ

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:45 am
by jhawk73
Games will come fast and furious this week. You will have narrow time windows for making your guesses. There could be as many as 3 games in less than 48 hours and the opponents won't be known for sure very far ahead. So please pay attention! I'm putting up message threads for all 3 games now so that if I don't get the GTS results worked up immediately you will still have a place to make your next guess. Remember LATE GUESSES WILL NOT COUNT!!!!

As indicated before I will be keeping a separate set of standings for the post season. So don't feel any hesitation about participating even if you haven't up to this point. There could be as few as 2 or as many as 9 games in the post-season. The season-to-date standings will continue to be updated as well, so the final winner remains to be determined. Ramjet seems to have a pretty good lead over everyone else but is by no means insurmountable. A perfect guess can change things quickly, as was just illustrated by kufan1 yesterday!

Let the madness begin! RCJHKU