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Extinction may not be all bad

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:12 am
by zsn
At least for the abomination that is the Cavendish type of banana we consume in the US ... e3477a2913

“We have a food system where one type of banana is being grown in one massive field as a single crop making the applying of pesticides and harvest easier. It makes growers vulnerable to disease.”

“People are looking for a solution that lets them keep the same monoculture system rather than taking the harder, but in the longer-term better, decision to start growing a range of bananas. That diversity will give us ready resistance to future diseases.”

“We grow 1,000 types of bananas globally. Many consumers think there’s just one. Knowing how many are available gives us the opportunity — as consumers — to start requesting a more diverse selection. Farmers can’t grow what we won’t eat.”

WTF is wrong with us......we only try to speak one language, eat one kind of each food........

Even a trip to Hawaii shows us that there are so many types of bananas, let alone to Asia or Africa. Some may even try to eat bananas when they are actually ripe (partly mushy, spotted bananas are absolutely delicious, but most don't know that - the "Botox-perfect fruit"), and don't suck all the moisture out of the mouth when eaten!! Maybe it is a good thing that the Cavendish goes bye-bye!