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Guess The Score

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:53 pm
by jhawk73
This is my one off-topic post of the year. KU FOOTBALL (yes boys and girls it does exist!) starts for real on Saturday 8/31. Your favorite fan game, Guess The Score, also starts then. I know there are people who read this part of the board who never go to the football side, which is why I'm posting here. Please lets show support for the players and for the new leadership by getting involved however we can. On this board that means participating in Guess The Score. Last year only 12 people (yes, 12!) participated in football GTS for the whole season. 36 did the same in basketball. Let's see these numbers come closer to equalizing this season! So please, go to the football board and join in the fun. Guess The Score football edition is ready and waiting for your participation.