republicans have no shame

Deleted User 141

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 141 »

Lack of money and legal opportunity leads to desperation and desperation leads to criminal activity.

It’s chicken or egg argument, and really, the elephant in the room can be pointed back in relation to something Geezer pointed out earlier....and that is that every society is racist.

In the US, ours was written into the constitution. The same document so many grip onto for so many causes. It, in it’s original construction, was a stacked deck. But we don’t like to think of that, because it makes this way way bigger than the surface we are scratching right now.

Again, America is gross.
Deleted User 289

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Example #467,936,012 of....... This is the country I live in.

I have seen this before. A friend of mine who lives in the D.C. area who is a well educated really nice guy and he felt the need to post it today.


Someone gave him this in response......

Pelosi and Newsom
There are ties between the Pelosi and Newsom families — both prominent California families — that go back several decades, as outlined in a recent commentary piece published by the nonprofit journalism venture CalMatters. But Nancy Pelosi is not Gavin Newsom’s aunt. In reality, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, Ron Pelosi, was married to the late Belinda Barbara Newsom, who was Gavin Newsom’s aunt.
In other words, Pelosi’s brother-in-law was the uncle (through marriage) of Gavin Newsom. But Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced decades ago, in 1977, and Barbara Newsom died in 2008.
Kerry’s Daughter
The claim that Kerry’s “daughter is married to a ‘mullah’s son in Iran” is also bogus.
Kerry’s daughter, Vanessa, is married to Brian Nahed, a neurosurgeon. Nahed is of Iranian descent, but he was born in the United States. According to the couple’s wedding announcement in the New York Times in 2009, Nahed’s father, M. Reza Nahed, is a pulmonologist in California, who operates a private practice managed by his wife — and Brian’s mother — Nooshin P. Nahed. M. Reza Nahed graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services in 1974, and received his medical license in California in 1979, according to state medical board records.
Both Brian Nahed and Vanessa Kerry, in interviews with, said the description of the elder Nahed as a “mullah in Iran” was a fabrication. The term in Iran typically describes a Muslim clergyman.
“That is false,” Kerry said, reiterating that her father-in-law is a “devoted doctor” who lives in California and has been in the U.S. since the 1970s.
Moreover, Brian Nahed said, “my parents aren’t religious at all.” Nahed added that his parents immigrated before the Iranian Revolution and haven’t returned since; both Vanessa Kerry and Brian Nahed also said they have never been to Iran.
In 2015 — when then-Secretary of State John Kerry helped negotiate the Iran nuclear agreement — online rumors wrongly claimed that the son of Iran’s foreign minister had been the best man at the couple’s wedding years earlier, which Vanessa Kerry publicly debunked. Nahed said similar falsehoods have continued to resurface. “Every once in awhile — maybe once a year — you’ll see it flare up,” he said.
“It’s been incredibly frustrating,” Kerry said of the continued flow of misinformation. “It’s really an invasion of the privacy of my in-laws. They never signed up for a political life.”
Kerry is the co-founder and CEO of a Boston-based nonprofit aimed at improving the health profession around the world. Brian Nahed works at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Schiff and Soros
The claim that Schiff’s “sister” is married to the son of George Soros — a billionaire philanthropist known for funding liberal causes and who is often the subject of falsehoods — is also bogus. As we’ve previously written, Schiff doesn’t even have a sister. The falsehood is born out of the fact that Soros’ son, Robert, was once married to a woman who also had the last name Schiff.

My response to my friend......

"AND YES", BOTH Republicans and Democrats are assholes when they post crap on Facebook without having a fricking clue if what they post is true or not - especially when it's not true.
Come on (name deleted - for this post) you're smarter and better than this!
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by defixione »

I wanna be your friend on Facebook, Grandma!
Deleted User 289

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 289 »

You really don't. Trust me.
Also, thanks for waking me up. Obviously I wasn't being kind so I am going to delete my post - if he hasn't already deleted his.

Yep, just as I figured he would - he deleted it.
I sent him an "I'm sorry for being an asshole" (with a smiley face emoji) personal message.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by twocoach »

Grandma wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:45 pm You really don't. Trust me.
Also, thanks for waking me up. Obviously I wasn't being kind so I am going to delete my post - if he hasn't already deleted his.

Yep, just as I figured he would - he deleted it.
I sent him an "I'm sorry for being an asshole" (with a smiley face emoji) personal message.
Let me know how many of the following were true about their original post...

1) "This was posted by my friend and I had to share it...."

2) It wasn't a typed post; it was an image of a typed post.

3) Somewhere on it was something along the lines of "let me be clear. I will not debate this. If you post negative responses I will delete them and unfriend you"

Yet these fucking bozos think they are sharing "the truth".
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by ousdahl »

I saw this tweet and thought, where’s the republicans have no shame thread?

Go figure, it’s the first thread at the top of the page. ... 72832?s=21
Deleted User 289

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 289 »

twocoach wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:14 am
Grandma wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:45 pm You really don't. Trust me.
Also, thanks for waking me up. Obviously I wasn't being kind so I am going to delete my post - if he hasn't already deleted his.

Yep, just as I figured he would - he deleted it.
I sent him an "I'm sorry for being an asshole" (with a smiley face emoji) personal message.
Let me know how many of the following were true about their original post...

1) "This was posted by my friend and I had to share it...."

2) It wasn't a typed post; it was an image of a typed post.

3) Somewhere on it was something along the lines of "let me be clear. I will not debate this. If you post negative responses I will delete them and unfriend you"

Yet these fucking bozos think they are sharing "the truth".
Many/most times 1, 2, and 3 are true. This time it wasn't like that. He simply posted the "meme" and I could be wrong but I recall that was it.

This was another exchange I had this morning with someone else ......

Friend posted about Trump and the bible/church photo op.

Different friend (Kim) - "Funny how Trump holding a Bible bothers you but people being killed in the street it doesn't affect you at all".

My response to Kim - I assume you were specifically addressing Debbie but if it was a general address to those who were bothered by Trump holding a bible, then I personally say - BOTH bother and affect me. Tremendously.

No response.

Later Kim also posted this....

"By the way he's holding a Bible in front of a church for a reason. He believes all people have the right to go to church or temple or a mosque the right to practice your own religion. That's what that represents no matter how the left wants to paint it. Don't you find it odd that you can go out in the streets and protest but you can't go to church? I'm not right-wing or left-wing I use my brain to think and observe what's going on right now in the world. I wish more people would use common sense and not believe everything the media writes. Do a little research, educate yourself. January before everything went south.. unemployment was the lowest it's ever been. The economy was doing wonderful. It's an election year, Trump has done more in three years for this country than any other president has in a very long time. attacking him for holding a Bible in front of a church that just got burned! Biden got on the news tonight and talked about defunding the police. What do you think's going to happen if there's no police departments and nobody to protect the good citizens the innocent citizens"?

My response to that post -

Kim - "I say to you respectfully......Please don't speak for him - in defense - especially when some of what you say and claim is simply incorrect. He said he was going there to "Pay his respects" to the church. Then when asked if he had any thoughts on the visit he said, “We have a great country. That’s my thoughts. Greatest country in the world. We will make it greater. We will make it even greater. It won’t take long. It’s not going to take long. You see what’s going on. You see it coming back.”
Sure some people such as Kayleigh McEnany may have put a different spin on it AFTER the fact but I care about what he said when he did it - in terms of HIS reason/s. No, I don't find it odd that I can go out on the street/s to protest. I do find it wrong that some/many houses of worship are still closed but I don't find it odd. Please don't think I am someone who is against people practicing religion because I am all for people to have the ability to attend religious services - inside or outside - today. Then you tell people to educate themselves but you yourself made the FALSE claim that in January unemployment was the lowest it's ever been. That's WRONG. I'll let you do the research since you are telling other's to educate themselves. Yes, the economy was doing wonderful. Yes, it's an election year. NO, Trump has NOT done more in three years for this country than any other president has in a very long time. I challenge you (without doing any research) to tell me what Trump has done in the past 3 years. Other than be the most divisive, vile, despicable, embarrassing, and I'll add incompetent, President we have EVER had. You claim the church was "burned down". Sure looked like it was still standing to me when Trump stood in front of it. Then you say - "Biden got on the news tonight and talked about defunding the police. What do you think's going to happen if there's no police departments and nobody to protect the good citizens the innocent citizens"? From a person (you) who tells others to "do a little research and educate yourself" - it sure would be nice if you practiced what you preach. "Defunding" does not necessarily mean completely cutting off ALL funds nor does it mean there would be "no police departments - and nobody to protect the good citizens the innocent citizens". By the way, did you even bother to listen to Biden yesterday or are you guilty of doing what you find fault in others in doing - in terms of believing (or not believing) everything the media writes? I ask because Biden said he is NOT in favor of "defunding". Had you listened to him and not read/heard the "media" report it - you would have known that. Right"?

No response from her.

P.S. I find it funny that Kim said, "I wish more people would use common sense and not believe everything the media writes. Do a little research, educate yourself".
Funny because when she and I were in agreement about something else a few weeks ago, I posted that in response to someone who disagreed with us. I have seen her post it several times since then - yet she herself does NOT "do a little research" in terms of the majority of what she posts. I guess it's actually not funny at all.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by twocoach »

Some seem to believe that reading the Facebook memes and shares that float through their timeline is "doing some research". Then they follow it up by only believing news sources that uphold the bullshit posted on their timelines. It's a never ending cycle of ignorance.

I have stopped interacting with my cousin's wife on Facebook and will probably stop interacting with them in real life as well. At most I see them once a year when they come to the family farm around the 4th of July to visit my cousin's mom so it's not like it's a decision that would greatly impact my life. The shit she has posted on her Facebook feed is ridiculous. And it's like Trump in that everything they accuse everyone else of is the shit they are actually doing. Here's a snippet of the final one that sealed the deal for me:

"The death of George Floyd has been used by the radical left to take down this country, to push radical agendas, to incite fear, panic and control. It is being funded by those sick individuals within our own government who want to fundamentally change this country and not for the better. They are the swamp that President Trump has been speaking about and are being protected by the likes of George Soros and others directly connected to him that have held and are holding political positions of power within our government and globally. They are committing treason and need to be taken down and prosecuted. Right now we are at war with a radical ideology headed by evil individuals that live within America. These radicals want division, they despise law and order and thrive on chaos and crisis. They despise law enforcement, the military and the Constitution. Their mission is to divide us through race because they know that further division furthers their agenda. These riots were systematically planned nation wide. These riots were calculated events where those that live in the shadows called upon their "army" of brainwashed, radicalized followers to carry out their bidding of massive destruction upon this country."

It's fucking lunacy. At least we know where Psych gets his goofy conspiracy theories.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by japhy »

"This may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives,” Carlson said. “And remember that when they come for you ― and at this rate, they will.”

He added:

"Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling. It’s like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic. But you can’t panic. You’ve got to keep your head and tell the truth. Tell the truth. If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you."

“Imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution,” Carlson said. “That’s what they are talking about: partisan law enforcement.”

Let me think.....I imagine it might look like the Minneapolis police going down a street with riot gear on and weapons, using knives to indiscriminately puncture and flatten the tires of cars parked along the streets. It might look like a cop in Philly taking out his baton and going off on a kid for saying something he didn't want to hear.

This is like Tucker Carlsen's riff on the old John Lennon song.

Who are we coming for?
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Leawood »

The protests on the Plaza weren’t staged or organized.

People that smell of weed, sweat (100 degree heat index), and patchouli are incapable of organizing.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by japhy »

You should come to the Empire and visit us at The Spud Lounge. We are organized, in a dazzlingly erratic sort of way.
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Leawood »

The protests diverted my bus. One evening I was left off at 47th and Troost and had to walk home in my blazer and trousers through the crowd. It was interesting. A Republican-looking gray haired guy with a briefcase meandering through well-meaning folks. No person approached me or was aggressive.
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by zsn »

Speaking of Republican Profiles-in-Cowardice....... ... #read-more

SPOILER: They all Bravely Ran Away.....ran away, ran away.....Bravely Ran Away!
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by twocoach »

Leawood wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:38 am The protests on the Plaza weren’t staged or organized.

People that smell of weed, sweat (100 degree heat index), and patchouli are incapable of organizing.
Yet they can still figure out how to tour with Phish all summer by braiding hair and selling nitrous balloons at campgrounds near concert venues....
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Geezer »

• An Ohio lawmaker who asked a state Senate hearing if “the colored population” is hit harder by Covid-19 because they “do not wash their hands as well as other groups” has been fired from his job as an emergency room doctor. The ACLU has called for Huffman to be removed from the state Senate as well. “As a practicing physician of nearly 20 years, he knew precisely what type of harm his ignorant, heinous and callously hurtful comments would have on communities of color in Ohio,” J. Bennett Guess, executive director for the ACLU of Ohio, said in a statement.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Deleted User 310

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 310 »

Deleted User 289

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Ted Cruz is a gigantic pussy - and bat shit fucking crazy. Just sayin'.

Sen. Ted Cruz wants to settle Twitter feud with wrestling match between actor Ron Perlman and Rep. Jim Jordan.

BY John Wagner
June 15, 2020 at 8:51 a.m. CDT

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) has proposed resolving a Twitter feud involving Ron Perlman with a wrestling match between the 70-year-old actor — known for his role as “Hellboy,” among others — and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a former wrestling coach.
Cruz offered the bizarre proposal, accompanied by a $10,000 bet on the outcome, in an early-morning tweet Monday in which he sought to come to the aid of Jordan, whom Perlman had suggested was ugly as he sparred on Twitter with another GOP congressman.
Perlman objected to a tweet by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), in which he criticized a recent vote by the U.S. Soccer board of directors to repeal a policy that requires players to stand for the national anthem.
As part of his response to Gaetz, Perlman posted a photo of Jordan, writing: “You’re lucky for this guy, Matt. If it weren’t for him you’d be the ugliest politician walking.”
It was that point that Cruz joined the fray.
Ted Cruz offers a very strained defense of Trump’s social media executive order
“Listen Hellboy,” Cruz wrote, referring to a film role last played by Perlman more than a decade ago. “You talk good game when you’ve got Hollywood makeup & stuntmen. But I’ll bet $10k — to the nonpolitical charity of your choice — that you couldn’t last 5 min in the wrestling ring w/ @Jim_Jordan w/o getting pinned. You up for it? Or does your publicist say too risky?”
Perlman responded in kind, referring to episodes during the 2016 Republican primary contest in which then-candidate Donald Trump insulted Cruz’s wife and alleged that Cruz’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin shortly before he killed the president.
“Wait, is this THEE Ted Cruz?” Perlman wrote. “Is this the same guy let little Donnie call his wife A dog and his father an assassin and now kisses his ass?”
Perlman then suggested that instead of wrestling Jordan, he wrestle Cruz and offered to give $50,000 to Black Lives Matter if Cruz accepted.
Perlman said the suggestion that he wrestle Jordan was “problematic,” an apparent reference to former wrestlers having accused Jordan of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse of wrestlers by a team doctor when he was an assistant coach at Ohio State University. Jordan has repeatedly denied such claims.
In a tweet later Monday morning, Cruz made no mention of Perlman’s counter-offer.
“I get it, you’re rich. But, apparently, soft,” the senator wrote of Perlman. “You sure seem scared to wrestle Jordan (whom you keep insulting). Can’t take the heat? Need to get a manicure?”
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Re: republicans have no shame

Post by twocoach »

Cruz is such a strange little weirdo.
Deleted User 62

Re: republicans have no shame

Post by Deleted User 62 »

He is trying so hard to impress Dear Leader.
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