George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Deleted User 62

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 62 »

I picture Lobster as the Dwarf...educated by youtube.

I picture Ousdahl as Colin Farrel.
Plano as Brenden Gleason.

Psych and DC are the "monkey hookers"
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by ousdahl »

I like my accent.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Seriously. How fucking dumb do you have to be to be a cop who chokes someone "out" while being recorded on video with 3 or 4 other cops having helped you subdue the person? ... story.html ... 7089842176 ... e=emb_logo
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

I'm just going to leave this here. Do/say/think of it as you will.

Deleted User 310

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 310 »

That should give people hope. Real lasting change will have to come from raising our children to not have hate in their hearts.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by twocoach »

IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:22 am That should give people hope. Real lasting change will have to come from raising our children to not have hate in their hearts.
Too many kids are learning the opposite of this every day from their parents and their communities.

Too many cops are being trained that the black people they are swearing to protect and serve are the enemy who want to prevent them from making it home from their shift.

Too many African American kids are being raised by other kids, ill equipped to teach them much of anything. Either those kids are their parents who had babies way too early or they are the kids/ young adults around them because their parents are unavailable because they are working multiple jobs to get by or are in jail.

We can cross our fingers and hope that our sweet little white children grow up to see all people equally even though they rarely encounter an African American in their daily life. Maybe it is enough to change things but I doubt many African American communities are willing to wait decades for that to trickle down to their communities to result in real, meaningful change for them.

It's a nice picture, very artsy, but...
Deleted User 310

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 310 »

You way too frequently associate your reality/experience to everyone "sweet little white children" encounter black kids nearly everyday (well, precovid when they were still doing things) daughters best friend/cousin is half black/half Puerto rican, she has black kids in her class at school, she has black kids in her gymnastics class, my best friends daughter who she is going swimming with later this week has a mixed mother.

Just because you don't know many (any?) black people doesn't mean the rest of our "sweet little white children" don't get exposed to a diverse group of people.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Have a Zoom conference with Bryan Stevenson in about a half hour. While I am extremely interested in hearing what he has to say, this may make me a terrible person and a hypocrite, but I admit I could use a day off from everything negative that's going on in the country/world today.
If he has anything/s he says that I feel extremely worthy of sharing on here, I'll do as such later.
In the meantime, you'll all get a nice break from me for the rest of the morning. Enjoy your morning and I'll smell you all later.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Grandma wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:30 am Have a Zoom conference with Bryan Stevenson in about a half hour. While I am extremely interested in hearing what he has to say, this may make me a terrible person and a hypocrite, but I admit I could use a day off from everything negative that's going on in the country/world today.
If he has anything/s he says that I feel extremely worthy of sharing on here, I'll do as such later.
In the meantime, you'll all get a nice break from me for the rest of the morning. Enjoy your morning and I'll smell you all later.
Incredible hour and 15 minutes. I'll recap when I have some time.
I'm just going to say god forbid the Lobsters/Walruses of the world listen to what the man has to say.
Not saying they need to agree with him but I am convinced every person in this country would be better off listening to him.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by dolomite »

jeepinjayhawk wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:44 pm I picture Lobster as the Dwarf...educated by youtube.

I picture Ousdahl as Colin Farrel.
Plano as Brenden Gleason.

Psych and DC are the "monkey hookers"
scenario for jeepinjayhawk, i.e. plano

Son says to dad; Dad are the police trying to kill me?
Dad replies to son; Son, the chances of you getting killed by the police are higher if you do not comply with police instructions. e.g.If you attract their attention, you need to comply with their instructions, and not run from the police or resist arrest.
If only this were true.
“Avoid the foolish notion of hope. Hope is the surrender of authority to your fate and trusting it to the whims of the wind”.
Taylor Sheridan
Deleted User 62

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 62 »

dolomite wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:11 pm
jeepinjayhawk wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:44 pm I picture Lobster as the Dwarf...educated by youtube.

I picture Ousdahl as Colin Farrel.
Plano as Brenden Gleason.

Psych and DC are the "monkey hookers"
scenario for jeepinjayhawk, i.e. plano

Son says to dad; Dad are the police trying to kill me?
Dad replies to son; Son, the chances of you getting killed by the police are higher if you do not comply with police instructions. e.g.If you attract their attention, you need to comply with their instructions, and not run from the police or resist arrest.
If only this were true.
I see you are doubling down yet again on the dumb shot you say
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Sorry to share something that probably no one cares about. I'm sharing it in case one person does.
I feel it's worth it. It was well worth it for me to hear him speak.

Bryan Stevenson between 10:00am and 11:15am today. Central time. He was in Atlanta so it was an hour later there.

In order of some of what he said, not in order of importance. I am not quoting him word for word, I am summarizing. I may go all over the place. sorry.

Mass incarceration -
Approx. 250,000 people in prison in the USA in the 1970s. Over 2.2 million today. Why?
Over policing, over sentencing?
Women in prison have gone up 700% over the last 25 years.
In 2002 Bureau of Justice stated that 1 out of every 3 BLACK babies born that year will most likely be imprisoned.

Truth and reconciliation -
Country began with White Supremacy. Blacks were not considered fully human.
13th Amendment stated nothing about equality.
Early 1900s Lynchings were entertainment, a celebration.
50s and 60s Blacks were beaten for walking (marching), praying, wanting to go to school, voting.
2020 We still have a "presumption of dangerousness" and "skepticism" in terms of Black people.
Recently Stevenson was in a courtroom in the midwest. He was sitting a table reserved for the defense counsel - which he was the defense counsel. Sitting there in a suit and tie. Judge comes out of his chambers and says to Stevenson, "You need to get out of that chair and go out in the hallway and wait for your attorney". Stevenson is a man who has "argued" cases in front of the Supreme Court and yet he was assumed to be a criminal - in a courtroom - by a judge. Sure he was angry and offended but he said he had to make himself laugh. He slightly elaborated why but I missed it.

What can "we" do in this country? Need to commit to the truth and telling the truth about history and the present. Then attempt to repair. Educate. In Germany it is illegal to display a Nazi flag, students are taught about the Holocaust as are the police when they go through training.
In this country we need to present the history of racism and inequality as "never again" - similar to the Jews "motto" regarding the Holocaust.

People say "the police" are killing Black men. He says people should probably say it's bias and profiling that are killing Black men. Law enforcement in this country started with racism. Still exists.
Think about it, you are a Black man pulled over. Two immediate thoughts for many are if I run I am going to get shot and if I stay there is a decent chance I will be shamed, harassed, or even beaten/shot/killed. Sometimes simply because of the color of my skin.
You may think that's foolish, until you experience it - once - or multiple times.
Black parental figures need to instill in kids at an early age that when dealing with the police - the key thought should be "survive". Focus on surviving the situation. Don't escalate - de-escalate - no matter how wrong the police may be. It's not a safe space/moment so get through the moment and then complain after the situation is over and the police are gone.
Document the situation and then if need be, bring to the attention of legal counsel and leaders/elected officials - not to the police.

* MY COMMENT - If you have gotten this far you may have a negative attitude towards what he has said.

He said, I'm not looking to punish, I'm looking for liberation, justice, equality but WE have to talk about the truth to get it. People are uncomfortable with an uncomfortable truth.

Trust -
How can we trust one another? Have to believe the truth even though "we" may not see it. Get involved, proximity. Get close to those who have been affected. Visit areas and speak with people you have avoided. Be a witness, be a contributor, to those who have been affected.
Care. Affirm someone else's humanity and let them FEEL (not see) you care.
Had a Grandmother he was very close with. She would purposely crush him when she hugged him. Would ask him minutes later - do you still feel me hugging you? Resinated with him.

He was in a courtroom. Noticed a very serious looking older Black man in a wheel chair staring him down. Man looked mad to him. Guy never said a word. Sat there for probably and hour. Session ended and the guy was still staring him down. Stevenson didn't know if he should approach the man or not. The man wheeled himself up to Stevenson. He said to Stevenson in a very stern voice, "You know what you are doing"? Stevenson didn't know how to answer. The man asked Stevenson again, "Do you know what you are doing"? Again, Stevenson didn't know how to answer. Finally the man said to Stevenson, "You are beating the drum for justice. You keep doing what you're doing". The man then said to Stevenson, "Do you see this scar behind my ear? 1963 Birmingham. See this mark on my forehead? 1964.... See this scar on my arm? 1965...." Then he said, "You see scars and bruises and marks on my body. I see medals of honor".

Hopelessness is the enemy of justice. Hope is a super power.
Income (lack of) is a barrier to justice.
You have no right to "free" counsel if you are on Death Row.
10% of people on Death Row have been PROVEN to be innocent. Imagine how many more actually are innocent.
He has defended someone who was given a life sentence not for his past crimes but for writing a bad $100 check.
Back to mass incarceration - at least half of the people who are in prison are not a dangerous threat to society.
Drug addicts are not criminals. It's a health issue, not a criminal issue.
Mental illness is not a crime. Homelessness is not a crime. Police shouldn't be dealing with people with mental illness and who are homeless who have not committed crimes.

Important going forward -
Dialogue, discourse, truth, trust building.
Institutions caring and educating.
Elected leaders getting more involved.
Step outside your community and get involved in other communities.

Statues -
He feels they should be removed but not by "rioters".
The statues represent and affirm white supremacy.
They celebrate the destruction and division of our country.

Reparations -
Negative implications and interpretations.
Reparations = repairing damage. Said nothing about monetary "awards".
Does feel there are obligations to repair damages and address the truth.
Last edited by Deleted User 289 on Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Geezer »

I saw him on Ellen. Quite an impressive gentleman.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by twocoach » ... -civil-war

The Wilmington Police Department fired Cpl. Jessie E. Moore II and Officers Michael “Kevin” Piner and James “Brian” Gilmore after an internal investigation uncovered extensive violations of policies regarding standards of conduct, criticism and the use of inappropriate jokes and slurs.

“We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them f---ing ni----,” Piner reportedly said in perhaps the most troubling part of the lengthy recording.

He also said a second civil war was needed to “wipe ’em off the f---ing map.”

I don't think "additional training" is going to fix these guys.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Geezer wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:57 pm I saw him on Ellen. Quite an impressive gentleman.
My synopsis is terrible in that it doesn't relay how wise he is, how thoughtful he is, how passionate he is, how kind, genuine, and polite he is - with zero pretentiousness.
Like you said, quite an impressive guy.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

twocoach wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:36 pm ... -civil-war

The Wilmington Police Department fired Cpl. Jessie E. Moore II and Officers Michael “Kevin” Piner and James “Brian” Gilmore after an internal investigation uncovered extensive violations of policies regarding standards of conduct, criticism and the use of inappropriate jokes and slurs.

“We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them f---ing ni----,” Piner reportedly said in perhaps the most troubling part of the lengthy recording.

He also said a second civil war was needed to “wipe ’em off the f---ing map.”

I don't think "additional training" is going to fix these guys.
I posted about this on another thread. You are 100% right that training won't fix people like them. Unfortunately I believe "training" will teach them how to mask it. Then it rears its ugly head at the worst possible time/s.
In the case of Piner, does he get some form of "protection" or is out there in the open for anyone to get? Supposedly he has two sons. I have to figure his entire family is basically going to be targeted now.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by jhawks99 »

Won't quote it all but this line stood out to me.

"Hopelessness is the enemy of justice. Hope is a super power."

Thanks for posting Gutter. I read every word.
Defense. Rebounds.
Deleted User 289

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Dumb question/s time. Comments are mixed. I am all for the right to defend yourself and your home but in this case do they and their home need to be defended? At least to the degree of their feeling the need point guns at people - and my guess is they have little training in using their gun/s.
So now that they have pointed guns at "innocent" people, has this wonderful couple not only put their home in future danger but also put themselves in personal physical danger as well as the damage to their reputation? ... 6098627585 ... 5973949440 ... 4187464704 ... 3568919553
Deleted User 62

Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Those 2 are fucking terrified.
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Re: George Floyd and the Ensuing Protests

Post by seahawk »

Seems like some costly publicity.
Don't inject Lysol.
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